How to Create an SEO Friendly URL Structure?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an important element to increase your website's visibility. Increasing the visibility of your site becomes easier with a good SEO-friendly URL structure. By optimizing the URL structure of your website, you can enable search engines to understand the page content more easily.

How to Create an SEO Friendly URL Structure?

What is URL?

URL, short for Uniform Resource Locator, represents an internet address. URL is used to access web pages or other internet resources. The URL contains a protocol name (for example, HTTP or HTTPS), an IP address or domain name, a file path or directory, and a filename or page ID. These components are interpreted as necessary by a web browser, creating an address to access the internet resource.

URL Components


Protocol name

It is the name of the internet protocol used to access an internet resource. For example: HTTP or HTTPS.

IP address or domain name

It is the address of the server that hosts the Internet resource. The Internet Protocol (IP) address identifies the physical location of the website, while the domain name makes it easier to remember. For example: "".

File path or directory

Indicates in which folder or directory the internet resource is located. For example: /seo/content/seo-friendly-url/.

Filename or page ID

It is the name of the file required to access the Internet resource. For example: index.html or contact.html.


URL examples are as follows:

  • - A simple URL used to access a website using the HTTP protocol.
  • - A URL used to access SEO friendly URL text using HTTPS protocol.
  • - A URL used to access a file on the server using the FTP protocol.

What is Sef Link?

Sef links are a URL structure designed to make it easier for users to read and understand your URLs. These links can be better understood by search engines thanks to their keyword focus. When creating SEF links, attention should be paid to keyword density. Keywords should be used correctly and organically according to the main content of your website. If sef links are used correctly, they help get better rankings in search engines.

SEO-Friendly URL Structure

A well-optimized URL structure can increase your website's ranking in search engines. SEO-friendly URL structure increases URL understandability and performs better in rankings. To make the URL structure SEO friendly, care should be taken to ensure that the URL contains keywords. The keyword should be placed in the URL structure in a logical way, without being forced. Long URLs are more difficult to understand by both users and search engines. For this reason, a short and understandable URL structure should be preferred. Additionally, avoiding URLs that contain parameters is also an important part of creating an SEO-friendly URL structure. Parameters make URLs appear complex and harder to understand by search engines. Another important point is to use dashes (-) instead of lowercase letters and spaces. This way, URLs become easier to read and understand.

The Importance of SEO-Friendly URL Structure

SEO-friendly URL structure is an important element to increase your website's ranking and visibility in search engines. Clear and descriptive URLs for search engines clearly show what the content and subject of your website is about. In this way, search engines can associate your website with more accurate keywords and topics, allowing users to find your site more easily in search results. The most notable advantage of the SEO-friendly URL structure is that your site will rank higher in search results. If you do not have an SEO-friendly URL structure, search engines may associate your site with the wrong keywords or topics and cause ranking loss. Additionally, using descriptive URLs will make it easier for web visitors to access your site's content quickly and accurately.

How to Create an SEO Friendly URL?

In order for your website to be SEO friendly, your URL structure must be created properly. Your URL structure defines the address of your web page and makes it better understood by search engines. SEO friendly URL creation tips:

  • Use Keywords: Use your keywords in your URL. Keywords are words that summarize what your website is about.
  • Be Short and Concise: Keep your URL short and concise. Avoid unnecessary words and letters. Short URLs are something search engines love.
  • Be Precise and Clear: Keep your URL precise and clear. Your readers should understand what your web page is about by looking at the URL.
  • Use Lowercase Letters: Use lowercase letters in your URL. Capital letters are not recommended as they make the URL difficult to read.
  • Avoid Special Characters: Use as few special characters as possible in your URL. Especially Turkish characters may not be well understood by search engines.

 SEO_Friendly_URL_Examples"> SEO Friendly URL Examples

While planning the URL structure of your website, examining examples from different industries may inspire you. Below are examples of URLs from various industries:


URL Example







When you review the examples above, you will see the importance of correct URL structure and keyword density. You can improve your performance in search engines by creating a similar SEO-friendly URL structure for your website.

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